SOCIALINIU INOVACIJU FONDAS, Social Innovation Fund (SIF), was established in 1994 and became recognized as an extremely effective Lithuanian non-governmental organization working in many different spheres such as democracy building, women’s rights, gender equality and diversity, as well as social inclusion of socially disadvantaged groups (unemployed, disabled, immigrants, youth drug users, women survivors of domestic violence, trafficking and prostitution, etc.).

During more than twenty years, the SIF has been involved in more than 100 different national, European and international projects partnering with NGOs from many countries. Organization has been involved in many projects aimed at increasing employability options to target groups as well as helping our target groups to recognize and pursue new entrepreneurial opportunities including social entrepreneurship and starting new enterprises.

From year 2010 one of the priorities of Social Innovation Fund (SIF) is to educate young people, especially young women with disadvantaged background, young mothers, and young people with fewer opportunities, including disabled young people, young people Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEETs).

Contact Details:

Savanoriu Pr 1

44255 Kaunas,

